Calculus II
Fall 2019
Course Information
: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Pardee Hall, Room 227
Pardee Hall, Room 227
Office Hours
- Monday/Wednesday:
- 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Pardee Hall, Room 225A
In class exams will be held during the usual lecture time. The dates and material covered for the in class exams are listed below.
Exam | Material Covered | Date | Solutions |
1 | Inverse trig functions (6.6), Indeterminate forms and L'Hôpital's rule (6.8), Areas and Volumes (5.1-2), Integration by Parts (7.1), Partial Fractions (7.4), Improper Integrals (7.8) | 9/23/19 | Solutions |
2 | Approximate Integration and Error Bounds (7.7), Introduction to Differential Equations (9.1), Direction Fields and Euler's method (9.2), Separable Differential Equations (9.3), Exponential Growth and Decay (6.5), Parametric Equations (10.1), Tangents and arclength (10.2), Polar Coordinates (10.3), Areas in Polar Coordinates (10.4) | 10/11/19 | Solutions |
3 | Sequences (11.1), Series (11.2), The integral test (11.3), The comparison test (11.4), Alternating series (11.5), Ratio and root test (11.6), Power series (11.8), Representing functions (11.9), Taylor and Maclaurin series (11.10), Applications of Taylor polynomials (11.11) | 11/22/19 | Solutions |
Final | Cumulative. The Final Exam will be held Friday December 13, 2019 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm in Kirby 104. | 12/13/19 |
Standard | Date |
Inverse Trigonometric Functions | 9/6/19 |
L'Hôpital's Rule | 9/9/19 |
Area and Volume | 9/20/19 |
Integration by Parts | 9/23/19 |
Differential Equations | 10/4/19 |
Parametric Curves | 10/9/19 |
Sequences | 10/28/19 |
Geometric Series | 11/1/19 |
The Integral Test | 11/8/19 |
The Comparison Tests | 11/11/19 |
Alternating Series | 11/13/19 |
The Ratio and Root Tests | 11/15/19 |
Power Series | 11/20/19 |