
An overview of my teaching.

Louisiana Tech University

  • Interactive Theorem Proving with Lean

    Hands-on introduction to formal verification and computer-assisted proof development using the Lean theorem prover.

  • Introduction to Linear Algebra

    Matrices, systems of linear equations, vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

  • Calculus III

    Vectors, three-dimensional coordinates, double and triple integrals, vector valued functions and motion in space.

University of Louisiana at Monroe

  • History of Mathematics

    Selected topics on the development of mathematics as a human endeavor; numeration systems; growth of algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and the calculus; contributions from various cultures; selected biographies of mathematicians.

  • Modern Algebra

    Axioms and the nature of proof, groups, rings, integral domains, fields, homomorphisms and isomorphisms.

  • Real Analysis

    Sequences and series of real numbers and their convergence; continuity, differentiation, and integration of real valued functions of one real variable.

  • Introduction to Analysis and Algebra

    This course provides instruction to abstract algebra and real analysis and is a continuation of MATH 2040.

  • Foundations of Mathematics

    Introduction to logic and proofs, set theory, functions and structures relating to algebra and analysis.

  • Calculus III

    Vectors, lines, and planes, vector valued functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, calculus of vector fields.

  • Applied Linear Algebra

    An introduction to the application of matrix algebra. Emphasis on the application of procedures and algorithms.

  • Calculus I

    Limits and continuity of functions; introduction of the derivative; techniques of differentiation; Chain rule; implicit differentiation; differentiation of transcendental and inverse functions; applications of differentiation: concavity; relative extrema; maximum and minimum values of a function; optimization; antidifferentiation; definite integrals; Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; areas; applications of definite integrals.

  • College Algebra

    In-depth treatment of solving equations and inequalities; function properties and graphs; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions with applications; systems of equations.

  • Contemporary Mathematics

    Selected topics from contemporary mathematics including logic, graph theory, set theory, number theory, probability, statistics, voting theory, geometry, and consumer mathematics.

Lafayette College

  • Linear Algebra with Applications

    An introductory course in linear algebra emphasizing applications to fields such as economics, natural sciences, computer science, statistics, and engineering. The course covers solutions of systems of equations, matrix algebra, vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

  • Calculus II

    A continuation of MATH 161. Topics include techniques and applications of integration, introduction to differential equations, parametric curves and polar coordinates, infinite series and Taylor approximation.

  • Calculus I

    The sequence MATH 161, MATH 162, MATH 263 provides an introduction to calculus for students of mathematics, engineering, and the sciences. Topics include limits, derivatives, techniques of differentiation, definite integrals, the fundamental theorem of calculus, and applications of derivatives and integrals.

University of South Carolina

  • Finite Mathematics

    Elementary matrix theory; systems of linear equations; permutations and combinations; probability and Markov chains; linear programming and game theory.

  • Calculus II

    Methods of integration, sequences and series, approximations.

  • Calculus I

    Functions, limits, derivatives, introduction to integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, applications of derivatives and integrals.

  • Calculus for Business Administration and Social Sciences

    Derivatives and integrals of elementary algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Maxima, minima, rate of change, motion, work, area under a curve, and volume.

  • Brief Precalculus Mathematics

    Essential algebra and trigonometry topics for Calculus, including working with equations that involve polynomials, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. Intended for students with prior experience in Precalculus, but not ready for MATH 141.

  • Precalculus Mathematics

    Topics in algebra and trigonometry specifically needed for MATH 141, 142, 241. Subsets of the real line, absolute value; polynomial, rational, inverse, logarithmic, exponential functions; circular functions; analytic trigonometry.

  • Basic College Mathematics

    Basic college algebra; linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, functions and graphs of functions, exponential and logarithm functions, systems of equations.

University of Vermont

  • Fundamentals of Calculus I

    Introduction to limits and differential/integral calculus with a wide variety of applications.

  • Applications of Finite Math

    Introduction to mathematics of finite systems with applications, such as probability, statistics, graph theory, fair division and apportionment problems, voting systems.